Are Your Boat Electrics
Safe & Reliable?
...or do they look like this:
Sounds familiar?
We teach you how to install and maintain a DC system on a boat like a pro!
Boat Electrics 101
Safe & Reliable DC Systems
Your Teachers
Nigel Calder
Dr. Jan C. Athenstädt
Michael Herrmann
We are Nigel, Jan & Michael.
We help you understand, extend, and redo your boat electrics.
The right way.
I now understand all the electrical systems and how everything works together.
Bob Russell - S/V Spartina
Jan, Nigel & Michael,
I want to let you know how impressed I was with the BoatHowTo course!!
Having purchased a new to me Island Packet 350 this year, I was overwhelmed with all electrical systems on the boat!
Modern cursing boats have become very complex and I was lost!
Having taken your Boat Electrics 101 course I now understand all the electrical systems and how everything works together.
From the very basics, through creating a detailed circuit diagrams of the electrical systems on my boat, my knowledge is years ahead of where I thought it would be at this point.
Thanks for a wonderful, extremely useful (and fun) course that takes a lot of the mystery out of sailboat electrical systems!!
Boat electrics is not rocket science...
...but it still has to be DONE RIGHT!
Electrical systems on boats have become more and more complex over recent years.
Even moderately equipped boats today rely completely on their electrical system. A loss of power means in most cases an emergency at sea. (Or do you still have a sextant and all nautical almanacs on board?)
Boat electrics are often poorly understood, despite being such a vital part of the operation of a boat.
The good news: It's not that hard!
With a bit of time and a commitment to learning, everybody who mastered basic high-school math and physics will be able to understand the DC system on a boat. All it takes is a reliable and easy to understand source of information.
You want to understand your system?
Clearly expressed and illustrated, the course is full of practical information
Derek Nowek - Falmouth, ME
The Boat Electrics 101 course is a fantastic resource for beginners like myself who know little about electricity and even less about boats electrical systems. Clearly expressed and illustrated, the course is full of practical information presented in a way that makes boat electrical systems understandable. Thank you for putting it together.
The majority of fires that start on boats
are caused by the electrical system!
Understanding your boat's DC system can significantly improve the safety of your boat!
Unfortunately, many owners have only a vague understanding of their boat's electrical system. Or, even worse: They think they know how to install a system and end up making damaging mistakes...
...and teach others these mistakes in blogs or on YouTube.
YouTube is full of videos about Boat Electrics
– many are wrong and some are dangerous!
The internet is a great source of information. And in recent years, many people have shared their experience installing or fixing electrical problems on their boats.
The problem: Many of those people are not professionals!
It's easy to put a professionally looking video on YouTube...
...but it is hard to tell, if this actually is professional advice - or misleading BS.
If you follow bad advice on how to varnish teak and you end up with a mess, in the worst case you lose time and a bit of money.
If you follow bad advice on how to connect batteries and your boat ends up in flames, this is a different story.
A typical example of bad advice... soldering. Soldering is often praised as a great way of connecting wires. On a boat, it is not. Soldered connections are rigid and tend to break when exposed to the vibrations common on boats.
This is why electrical installation standards from the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) and the European International Organization for Standardization (ISO) both explicitly prohibit soldering as the only means of connection!
You want know how to do it right?
Your brand new boat is properly wired...
...or MAYBE NOT?
When visiting boat shows, Nigel likes to inspect the electrical systems on brand new boats. Unfortunately, this has become quite frustrating: a shockingly high number of production boats come with badly installed electrics – straight from the boatyard.
These batteries were installed on a brand new boat. What's wrong here?
- Inadequate support against sliding off the shelf
- Parallel connections badly designed - this will lead to premature battery death
- Too many cables on the positive battery post
- No overcurrent protection devices anywhere near the positive battery pole
This installation might look neat at first glance. But:
It is unprofessional and asking for trouble!
You want to assess your system?
I now feel empowered to research and undertake this work on my own.
Mark Sweetnam - Ireland
Wow, what an outstanding course – thank you so much. I intensively studied each lesson, took notes (frequently pausing the video to do so), read and made sure I fully understood the lecture notes and then likewise all comments. The entire course took me about 6 full days to complete. In my own case I have owned a 30 year old Swedish boat (Najad) for the past 10 years. It has both 12V and 24V house systems, with two alternators. I got the batteries replaced about 8 years ago (with Victron AGM) but am now looking to upgrade the electrics in numerous ways, and obviously to audit and rectify any OCP or other shortcomings. New batteries will obviously be needed shortly but I also want to add solar. But mainly I want to either get rid of the 12V bank (and use DC-DC converters for the 12V house load) or add 12V-24V-B2B charging both for redundancy and to use full capacity of both 12V and 24V alternators and shore power battery chargers. I now feel empowered to research and undertake this work on my own. Thanks again.
Who or what are ABYC and ISO?
The ABYC E-11 and the ISO 13297 standards cover the principal electrical systems on small craft.
Even though they are legally non-binding, they are based on decades of experience of hundreds of experts in the field.
So, instead of trying to figure things out for yourself (with potentially disastrous consequences), it is a good idea to follow these standards as closely as possible.
All three of us are members of various standards committees of the ABYC and ISO, Nigel and Michael for decades. Everything we teach at BOATHOWTO is compliant with ABYC and ISO standards.
There is no one who knows the standards better than us.
The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) is a non-profit, member organization that develops voluntary global safety standards for the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of recreational boats. As an independent consensus-based body, the industry experts at the ABYC (including Nigel Calder from BOATHOWTO) work together with the sole purpose of protecting the safety of the boating public.
The ABYC’s Standards and Technical Information Reports for Small Craft cover all major boat systems. The development and regular review of these standards provide boat building guidelines that correlate directly with a significant reduction in the number of boating accidents over the past six decades.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops high quality voluntary International Standards. The sub-group of the ISO that addresses small craft (up to 24m/70 feet), is known as Technical Committee (TC)188 (of which Michael Herrmann and Jan Athenstädt from BOATHOWTO are both members). This committee has developed a set of standards that are closely aligned with the ABYC standards.
With respect to boat electrical systems the principal difference between the ABYC and ISO standards lies in the fact that the ABYC standards tend to be more detailed. In order to provide the most detailed information in our lessons, we follow the ABYC standards. Where there are minor disagreements with the ISO (only a handful) we point these out.
You want your electrics to comply with ISO & ABYC standards?
We know what we are talking about...
...and how to apply this knowledge.
Understand the basics of a safe and troublefree installation. Learn how to plan and design a system. Get practical advice on how to put everything in place.
Understand the basics of electrics in general and boat electrics in particular
Learn how to assess existing systems and how to (re-)design the wiring of your boat
Get your hands dirty with practical advice on how to crimp wires, install batteries and much more
The course has given me the knowledge to make better choices
Tommy Kaine - SV Alboe
Just a note to say how terrific the Boat Electronics 101 course is. It is very comprehensive. It has empowered me to refit my 1976 Westsail 32 original electrical system. Though I am outsourcing some of the work, the course has given me the knowledge to make better choices, do my portion of the project, and have a smart conversation with the contractors. Thanks for all your hard work and keep it up!
Good marine electricians are rare...
...and expensive!
So why not learn how to do it yourself?
Instead of paying hundreds of dollars for a few hours of advice and help from a marine electrician, you can invest in your knowledge - and become more self-reliant!
With our help you can learn how to operate, maintain and extend your boat's electrical system in a professional manner. Better than many people who do this for a living!
Invest in your knowledge and self reliance
Even if you know a good marine electrician: You will still have to deal with problems on your own as soon as you are away from the dock.
Proper preparation is key to good seamanship.
Stop worrying about potential hidden failures in your system. Empower yourself by uncovering the secrets of your boat's electrical system. Regain control in the complex world of marine electrics.
BOATHOWTO helps you spend a carefree and relaxed time on the water. Boating or sailing the way it's meant to be.
Join us for our ONLINE COURSE on DC Systems:
BOATHOWTO Boat Electrics 101
Safe & Reliable DC Systems
Set up a safe and reliable DC system on your boat that complies with ABYC and ISO standards.
- 1Fundamentals: Understand the basics of electricity, how common components work and how to connect them.
- 2Batteries & Charging: How do lead-acid batteries work and how to charge them to double or triple their lifetime?
- 3System Design: Step-by-Step guide to plan and install a DC-System on your boat.
In 8 modules (plus bonus lessons & videos), you will learn everything from the basics of electricity to designing a whole DC system on your own.
Boat Electrics 101 - Course Contents
59 easy to follow video lessons will turn you from beginner to expert.
Take a look at the course syllabus:
A quick welcome and introduction of your teachers and a few words on who this course is for and what to expect.
Get an overview on the contents of this course and the underlying standards.
In this lesson we will cover some dangers and necessary safety precautions to keep in mind before working on your system.
What is electricity?
What is electricity and what happens when a current flows? We take a quick look at the behavior of electrons inside metallic conductors.
Voltage, Current & Resistance
Learn all you need to know about voltage, the equivalent to pressure in electrical systems.
Ohm’s Law
Ohm's law allows you to calculate how resistance affects voltage given a certain current and vice versa.
Power, Energy, Consumption & Capacity
Power the product of voltage and current. With two examples you will learn how to calculate the power draw of an appliance.
A quick recap on everything we have learned so far.
End-of-Module Quiz
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The Idea Behind a Circuit Diagram
Learn why it is important to be able to read and draw circuit diagrams.
Wires & Conductors
In this lesson you learn the symbols for wires and conductors and and their connections.
Circuit Ground
What is ground/earth and how is it represented in circuit diagrams?
Switches, Buttons & Relays
Get to know the basic symbols for switches and buttons and learn how relays and solenoids work.
Resistors & Shunts
Get to know the symbols for resistors and learn about the most common type of resistor on board: the shunt.
Fuses & Circuit Breakers
How are fuses and circuit breakers represented in circuit diagrams?
Coils & Transformers
Coils mostly occur on boats within transformers. Here you will learn about their basic function and how to represent them.
Lamps, LEDs, Diodes, etc.
In this lesson you will get to know a few more symbols for common components in a boat's electrical system.
Basic Circuits
In the final lesson of the module, you will learn how the components in boat electrics are connected in parallel and in series and how this affects battery capacity and voltage.
End-of-Module Quiz
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Conductor Construction
Learn about different types of conductors and which ones are suitable for use on boats.
Colors & Labeling
Learn what conductor colors you can use for what purpose and how to properly label your wiring.
Sizing Conductors
Learn how to choose the proper size for a conductor with respect to ampacity and voltage drop.
Terminals & Terminal Installation
It is crucial for the system's safety to establish proper connections. In this lesson you will learn how to install terminals in a professional manner.
Making the Connection
Proper connections of terminals to bus bars and consumers are vital. Here you learn what makes a professional connection.
Overcurrent Protection (OCP)
In order to prevent fires due to overcurrents and short circuits, protective measures are absolutely crucial. In this lesson you will learn how to choose fuses and circuit breakers and where to install them.
Conductor Installation
Learn the proper way to install conductors in order to protect them from chafing and physical stress
Case Study: High Output Alternators
In this lesson we will apply what we have learned in this module to the special case of high output alternators. As we will see, there are quite a lot of things to consider.
Bonus: Nigel’s Examples
Here we show a few more examples of good or bad installations and also what happens in case of a short circuit if no adequate OCP is installed.
End-of-Module Quiz
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Get an overview on what to expect in this important module.
Battery Safety
Even though they operate at relatively low voltages, there are significant dangers when dealing with batteries. In this lesson we cover required safety measures.
Lead-Acid Battery Chemistry
We provide an overview of the chemistry inside a battery and how lead-acid batteries work.
Battery Construction
We go into the details of the internal construction of batteries and discuss the differences between cranking and deep cycle batteries.
Battery Types
Now it's time to look at different types of lead-acid batteries, such as wet cell, AGM, gel-cell and some new innovations.
Battery Efficiency
We explain the crucial difference between amp-hour and watt-hour efficiency and how to evaluate batteries based on this.
Battery Ratings
What do common battery ratings (nominal voltage, nominal capacity, cold cranking amps) mean?
Battery Failure Modes
We describe the most common reasons for battery failure or reduced lifespan and learn how to avoid them.
Series & Parallel Batteries
Learn how to maximize battery life when installing batteries in serial or parallel.
Sizing Battery Banks
This lesson will help you decide how much battery capacity you really need for reliable operation and optimal battery lifespan.
Lead-Acid Battery Installation and Maintenance
We describe how to properly install your battery bank and how to maintain it in order to optimize its performance and life expectancy.
End-of-Module Quiz
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Failure Modes Revisited & Expanded
Learn about the most common failure modes with lead acid batteries so mistakes can be avoided.
The Water Tank Analogy
Through the analogy of a water tank with semi-permeable membranes we explain why it takes a long time to completely top off a lead acid battery.
Charge Profiles
Learn what an IUoU profile is and how the bulk, absorption and float phases increase battery life.
Fast Charge & State of Charge (SOC)
Learn strategies to reduce charging times and engine hours while at the same time increasing your battery's lifespan.
Charging Devices
Learn what to look for when choosing a battery charger, an alternator or when planning on installing renewable energy sources.
Charging Circuits
Learn about different ways to charge multiple battery banks from a single power source.
Systems Monitoring
Learn about the importance (and challenges) of proper battery monitoring.
Summary: Batteries & Charging
A quick recap on what we have learned so far in this module.
End-of-Module Quiz
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Energy Systems Introduction
In this lesson we introduce the BoatHowTo Boat Electrics Planner which will help us to determine the energy balance on our boat
Energy Consumption
In this lesson, we will look at all loads on the boat and determine their energy consumption for different scenarios.
Energy Storage
To store the energy between charge interval, we have to carefully design our battery banks. In this lesson we look at various options for batteries depending on our calculations from the previous two lessons.
Energy Generation
Now we look at the supply side and determine the available charging sources such as shorepower chargers, alternators and renewable energy sources and their required output to keep up with our energy needs.
End-of-Module Quiz
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We start the module with a brief introduction of our three example boats.
Circuit Diagrams with easyEDA
In this lesson we get to know a free, web-based tool for the creation of circuit diagrams.
Planning the Wiring
Before we get started with our examples, we examine various options for grouping loads and discuss practical limitations, in particular when it comes to older boats.
Simple Boat
We go in detail over the planning of the rewiring of our first example boat, a modest cabin cruiser for weekend getaways.
Medium Boat
In this lesson we plan the wiring of a more complex cruising boat, with systems that you can find on many medium-sized production boats today.
Complex Boat
In our third example, we use everything we learned in this course to plan the complete rewiring of a full-fledged offshore sailboat with a lot of complex, state-of-the-art systems aboard.
Final Remarks & Outlook
In this final lesson of the course, we leave you with a few final remarks. If you made it this far, congratulations! Now you should be able to assess, repair and extend your own system in a safe and reliable way and even be able to do a complete (re-)wiring job.
End-of-Module Quiz
Test your knowledge with a Quiz!
+ free access to the BOATHOWTO
Boat Electrics Planner spreadsheet tool
quizzes for each module to check your learning progress
+ exclusive bonus lessons that constantly update over time:
In this lesson, we explore good reasons why it might be worthwhile to install alternative energy sources on your boat.
How do solar panels work? And what current and future technologies are out there?
What are common ways to rate solar panels and what efficiency can be expected in a real-world scenario on a boat?
In this lesson we will look at the problem of shading and hot spots and how these affect the efficiency of a panel.
We take a look at different types of solar charge controllers and their properties when charging batteries.
We take a look at various mounting and installation options for (semi-) flexible and rigid panels on board.
We take a look at the wiring requirements for solar panels and the practical implementation of the wiring.
A look into the future of solar technology.
A summary of what we have learned so far about solar power on boats.
We take a deeper look at ratings and efficiency of wind generators.
We look at noise issues, as these are considered one of the main issues with wind generators.
The spinning blades of a wind generator can become a serious danger. Proper mounting and installation is crucial when operating a wind generator.
We look at options to regulate wind generator speed and battery charging.
In this lesson we look at various options for mounting wind generators on a boat.
Wind generators are not maintenance free! In this lesson you will learn about common points of failure and what to look for when disassembling a unit.
A brief overview of technologies and use cases.
A look at shaft generators and cases in which they might be worth considering.
Learn crucial things to look out for when installing LED lights on your boat.
Test your knowledge with a quiz!
In this recorded presentation, Nigel explains you how to use a multimeter for simple troubleshooting tasks.
Learn which are the most common causes of electrical faults and what tools we need to trace them down.
Voltage measurements are the most important way to trace faults. This is why this is the most extensive lesson of this module.
If a voltage measurement does not help us track down a fault, resistance measurements might be a solution.
With a clamp meter, it is possible to make current measurements without disconnecting any terminal. We show you cases when this helps with troubleshooting.
We finish the module with some tips an a brief summary.
As a bonus, Nigel explains how he troubleshooted a broken autopilot.
In this talk, Nigel gives an overview of the challenges in designing a safe and reliable DC system. The talk was originally recorded as part of the IBEX 2021 Seminar Series.
Nigel Calder gives an update on today's battery technology. Including important, but often overlooked, considerations on the topic of lithium-ion vs. lead-acid batteries.
It’s excellent value for money
Martin L. -
Perhaps some might say the course isn’t particularly cheap but I would argue the cost versus the excellent work that has been done in the creation of the course and in my view at least, it’s excellent value for money. It is also a reminder that there are things we may think we know, until you complete the course you may well find there are things you didn’t know or had assumed differently.
So thanks for all your hard work and I do hope that many will learn better and safer ways and take a much closer look and inspection of their own electrical systems. I certainly have. There is a great deal of information to absorb and I have no doubt I will be returning again and again to re-read various sections of the course.
Ready to acquire expert knowledge
in Boat Electrics?
Take advantage of our limited-time launch offer:
Immediate access to Boat Electrics 101
for only $199 instead of $299.
Includes future course updates, access to bonus lessons, exclusive talks by Nigel & our Boat Electrics Planner.
60-day money back guarantee
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Want to learn even more?
Check out our bundle offer for Boat Electrics 101 & our Advanced Marine Electrics program for just $398!
You're a professional and need CEUs or additional licenses?
Choose the certificate option at the checkout to get up to 19 CEUs upon successful completion of the course!
You also have the option to purchase additional licenses for your employees.
Boat Electrics 101: More Testimonials
"Boaters know there is nothing better than a trouble-free day on the water."
"Having the confidence and skills to tackle unexpected issues makes boating much more enjoyable.
The team at BoatHowTo has put together a ‘Boat Electrics 101’ course designed with the recreational boater in mind. They will walk you through the skills and tools required to troubleshoot your boat’s electrical system. Each work-at-your-own-pace module will help you understand the basics, apply it to your existing system, then get your hands dirty.
I always say, 'learn then do,' so we can all be safe on the water."
Jeff Cote
"Great hands-on information for upgrading my system."
“Boat Electrics 101 helped me understand how to plan an upgrade to the energy system of our Moody 44 "High Flight". Thanks to Jan's great explanations, I am now confident to have a plan forward and make the the right choices when I will be sizing the new battery bank and upgrading the old alternator with a modern B2B charger."
Chris Loewe
- SY High Flight
"This is the course I wish I could've had years ago!"
“This would've saved me hours of trying to figure out what the best approach is for various parts of the power setup on our Tayana 37. More importantly though, this course has given me the confidence to know that I am doing it 'right' from the start.
I've made a lot of mistakes in the past that cost me time and money, even putting the boat at risk unknowingly.
The content of Boat Electrics 101 is clear and easy to navigate. And Jan presents the content in an easy to follow (and even entertaining!) way.
I've noticed I feel less anxious, knowing better how things work and how to fix them myself. So save your time, money and stress! Invest in knowledge that will pay you back again an again as you cruise."
Lars Sandved Smith
- Navika Sailing / The Floating Studio
Meet the team:
The faces behind Boat Electrics 101
Nigel Calder
Author of the famous Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual, often referred to as the "bible for boatowners"
Nigel Calder
Nigel is a full-time sailing writer, with a focus on marine technical systems. He is often referred to as the guru when it comes to mechanical and electrical systems on boats.
His books are widely acclaimed by both boaters and professionals in the field. His most famous book, the Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual has sold well over 300,000 copies and a staggering 4,8 stars out of 1.055 ratings on Amazon.
Besides writing books, Nigel is a long-time member of the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) electrical Project Technical Committee (PTC) which writes the standards for recreational boat systems in the USA, and has also been involved in European standards development. He has recently joined marine energy systems company OceanPlanet Energy as a mechanism to continue his passion of constantly improving boat electrical systems.
Jan Athenstädt
Jan runs KlabauterKiste, a German online magazine for boatowners and KlabauterShop, an online shop for boat electrics. He holds a PhD in Computer Science.
Dr. Jan Athenstädt
Jan is the youngster in the BOATHOWTO team. During his studies of computer science in Germany and the US, he has worked as crew on various tall ships before moving aboard his own boat.
He started teaching people how to install and maintain technical systems on their boat through his online magazine KlabauterKiste and has written articles for various magazines and online publications.
He later started an online shop for boat electric supplies which he runs from his boat while sailing the Med.
Jan is also a member of the ISO TC188 committee, helping to improve and extend the standards for electrical systems on boats.
At BOATHOWTO he takes care of the technical side and will guide you through most of the video lessons.
Michael Herrmann
Author of several books about technical equipment on boats. His book on electrical systems Elektrik auf Yachten is considered the reference for technical information in the German language.
Michael Herrmann
As (now retired) founding member of BoatHowTo Michael belongs to the rare kind of people who combine a vast theoretical knowledge with the ability to apply this to the practical world.
Besides having written seven books on the topic, he has published over 500 articles in technical magazines, mainly on the topics of boat electrics and mechanics.
Since 2007, Michael has been a member of the German Boat Builders Association committee on electrics and a member of ISO TC188 establishing standards for small craft.
His latest activity in the ISO was contributing to the merger of the two basic standards for electrical systems on recreational craft - ISO 10133 and 13297.
Michael is responsible for many of the wonderful graphical illustrations we use throughout the course.
What people say about us
Nigel Calder is universally recognized as the guru of yacht systems. His hardcover tomes grace the bookshelves of yachts the world over. On Isbjorn, his are some of my most referenced books.
Andy Schell ‧ Skipper of ICEBEAR & ISBJORN at
I know quite a bit about boat technology. But Michael Herrmann is a living technical encyclopedia. There is definitely no question that remains unanswered. If I hit a dead end, he is my first point of contact. He simply knows everything, and if he doesn't know it he'll find it.
Christian Haschke ‧ Yacht Brokerage & Service at
Jan has a wealth of knowledge about boats and boat systems. In particular when it comes to electrics, his online shop made him a great advisor regarding the choice of the right components and their proper installation.
Laura Secorun ‧ Managing Director at ona ocean
Is Boat Electrics 101 really for me?
Unless you are already deeply familiar with the ISO 13297 or ABYC E-11 and other electrical standards, you will get valuable information from Boat Electrics 101!
We designed the course with both beginners and experts in mind:
The first modules cover the basics of electricity and the basic components of a boat's electrical system. They are specifically designed for beginners who have no or very little technical background.
The later modules go deeply into the specifics of the ISO and ABYC standards and contain information that is relevant for anybody who wants to extend an electrical system or plans a complete rewiring of a boat. These lessons are interesting for amateurs as well as professional boat builders.
With exclusive access to our Boat Electrics Planner tool you can design your own system and calculate the energy balance for multiple scenarios and complex boats with up to 6 separate house battery banks.
It actually isn't only a course, but it is an evolving learning platform
Miro Peternelj
Having access to up-to-date materials on Boat Electrics is very handy for someone who deals with small boat design, like me. The best part of the whole course is that it actually isn't only a course, but it is an evolving learning platform.
The course is for you if...
It's NOT for you if...
What's included in our
Online Course on Boat Electrics
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You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you are not convinced by our course within 60 days of your purchase, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.
Nigel, Jan & Michael
Frequently Asked Questions
I know nothing about electrics. Is the course still for me?
Can I really get my money back?
How can I access the lessons?
Is there a schedule for the lessons?
I am a boat surveyor. Does the course make sense for me?
Can I get a certificate for the course?
Will there be Q&A sessions?
Is there offline access?
P.S.: If you have any further questions about BoatElectrics 101, don't hesitate to contact us.