About Introduction

Module Structure

3 Lessons

A quick welcome and introduction of your teachers and a few words on who this course is for and what to expect.

Get an overview on the contents of this course and the underlying standards.

In this lesson we will cover some dangers and necessary safety precautions to keep in mind before working on your system.

  • I’ve gone through this course at least twice now, and it’s great. I’ve made comments on a couple of lessons, and clicked the “subscribe to comments” button, but even if I received a reply on a question, I’ve not been notified and only find the response when I go back to the comments I made. Is this subscribe function not working, or am I misunderstanding what it is supposed to do?

    • Glenn,
      Thanks for your message. This is strange, you should indeed be notified via email if someone replies to your comment. I changed a setting in the backend that might have fixed it. So in case you get a notification of this answer, please let me know. Otherwise I will dig into the issue a bit more.
      P.S.: Thanks for the compliment on the course!

    • Hi Mark,
      This is strange. I tried it on three different devices and for me the navigation works fine. Can you let me know what device you are using to access the course and also what browser? And do you have any kind of extensions installed that might be blocking JavaScript? If you can’t click the “Continue” button, is it at least possible to access the navigation sidebar on the left? On a phone it should fold out if you click on the little button with “>>” on the top left.

  • Hello, I am enjoying the course- really nicely put together and easy to grasp.
    One small issue on my end. I started the course successfully completing the first quiz, yet when I logged back in it didn’t save any of my progress- says I am at 0%/not started.

    • Hi Hunter,
      Thanks for your comment. This is strange. As you move on with the course and complete more lessons, can you let me know whether the progress is still not showing? Then I will look further into the matter.

      • Hello Jan, thanks for the quick reply. All is fine. I completely overlooked the “mark lesson complete”.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}